Not only do i plan on spending the rest of my life completing a complete set of Lord Of the Rings Amigurumi figures, but I hope to do so while watching all the extended editions again.
I mean, their just so cute!!

Who wouldn't want this adorable Gimli sitting at their desk while they attempt to focus on Linguistics?
I have claimed before that I am a nerd. Let me explain.
I am only a nerd on a few levels.
For one, I absolutely love the Lord of the Rings. So much in go over facts of Middle Earth on a near-daily basis. Like, If I could marry Aragorn (the character, not Viggo Mortensen, although I would probably marry him if given the chance), I totally would get in line (behind Eowyen, so that case when he denies her, I’ll be there instead of Faramir. Not that I don’t think Faramir and Eowyen is the best thing that ever happened, its just that I think of myself, and since none of this will ever happen anyway, I deserve her more than Faramir. On that note, I’ll marry Faramir too. Let’s just all get married. A big huge polyagamous/monogamous marriage for everyone!).
That thought went on way too long.
Anyway, to move on, I, like all nerds, hold Star Wars in high esteem (all nerds except Treckies, obviously, but they are totally nerds on a whole other level). I enjoy watching the movies, however, I just don’t really seem to get Star Wars. Like, the original movie was all like, “Hey were brother and sister, but were not going to explain that, instead, we’ll just leave a bunch of split ends so you have NO IDEA what’s going on!” I just don’t get why they weren’t made in order to begin with. But I like Yoda. Especially puppet Yoda.
Next, computers. Computers and I have a love/hate relationship. To put it simply, I like computers, but only when they work. But I don’t know a thing about them. I took a computer class for my “elective” when I was in 6th grade (in a desperate attempt to get out of chorus), but all I learned was that the screen-thing is called the monitor. I guess it never really occurred to me to learn anything else, because I always had Eric around to help me if the computer decided to become possessed and hate me.
Computer games were also Eric’s thing. I decided from a early age that it was better to let him play and just watch than actually try and embarrass myself. Also, I hated the stress from having to defeat bosses and stuff. Which is probably why the only video games I ever really got in to was Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing.
I always thought Harvest Moon was the COOLEST game ever, even though, in reality, its just pretending to be a farmer. Yahoo. That didn’t stop me from devoting hours to playing Harvest Moon, A Wonderful Life, and then, once I was bored with that, immediately wanting Harvest Moon: Magical Melody. Because, you know, there was obviously going to be so much difference in my farming life now that I also had to look for Magical Melody icons to restore the forest fairy’s magical powers .
Harvest Moon also had an appealing aspect: finding a wife. Or husband, depending on whatever genders you decided to be to begin with. You couldn’t be Bi or Gay in Harvest Moon, but then again, farming is a pretty conservative thing. And they had no idea whether or not you were Trans to being with. I find that you make the most enduring friendships with people who choose the same life partner as you in these games. For example, I found out that Marishka had this game, and she had chosen the Doctor, Alex to be her husband…. What a coincidence! But then again, he’s pretty cute and women love men in uniform.
Animal Crossing was also pretty addictive. Or at least it was addictive to me… who took addictive to a whole other level.
For those who didn’t know elementary schooled Julie, here’s a synopsis:
• I decided to change my name from Julie to Tangy, in honor of my favorite character
• I then assigned new identities to all my friends, creating a sort of secret code-language with which we could talk about boys we liked without actually saying names. Oh, how Cheri loved Weber….
• I was, of course, in love with Chief. Chief wasn’t a nickname though. I was in love with the animated character, Chief. Like, so much in love that I “wrote him letters” and got a Valentine from him (oh! It is love!). So much, that I cried when he moved.
• I made a t-shirt that said “ONETT IS FOR LOVERS.” Yeah, like I crossed out the word ‘Virginia’ and wrote in Onett, which is the town from Earthbound, just to further my nerd-age points.
I know. It’s pretty pathetic.
I played a bit of Final Fantasy, but mostly I just fell in love with it because of the AMAZING graphics, and I always had a crush on Rikku. And Yuna.
I used to play Donkey Kong, but that was so I could find all the secret hiding spots. Then I would hang the controls back to Eric. I liked gathering bananas too.
I got in to Super Smash Bros and I even played Super Mario Sunshine for a bit (only because I liked to ride around with my water-jet-pack), but that’s about it.
So, yes I am a Zelda poser.
Not that I don’t like Zelda. On the contrary, I love it. Or, the idea of it. Its just that when I was playing Ocarina of Time, I couldn’t get out of the freaking valley (like, where you are first placed). And I ran around for about two hours before I just figured that my time was better spent chasing the cat around the house. But the music- I love it. And I love how, in Twilight Princess, you can change into a wolf. SO COOL.
I have a funny story about Twilight Princess actually: I got it for my Ex-bfs birthday last year, but I had to use his credit card cause I didn’t have one, and I had to get it online because he couldn’t stand the thought of me spending an extra $5.oo to get it in a store. That’s not the story, I just wanted to take a moment to point out how freakshow my relationship was. THE story is that I gave him the game, then left to go home. Called him the next day, and he didn’t pick up. For three days, he didn’t return my calls or anything, which was fine, but I was a little confused because he normally sent me a text every 4 seconds. Turns out, he was in his room. Playing Zelda. He beat it in two days, and had spent the third day trying to beat it again. Oh, and he hadn’t gone to school or eaten anything in the meantime.
Yep. So, I’m a partial nerd, I guess.
Still, I enjoy listening to my Lord of the Rings soundtrack. I’m not listening to it right now, in fact I’ve been listening o the poke’mon theme song/poke’rap on repeat for the past 40 minutes because the speakers are all the way across the room and I’m too comfortable to move. My neighbors have probably called the Funny Farm.
While I was searching for patterns for the Lord of the Rings patterns I can upon these My Little Pony's, which I had seen about a year ago. Still amazing the second time through.
"No life, you Have."

Also, even though I am not that nerdy, I hope to make a set of Star Wars figures. Oh, and a little Link would be so cute! I guess that would be over the top for never having played an entire game...
*and so, Julie seals her fate of never leaving her room, surrounded by nerdy plush, dying slowly of lack of Vitamin D*

This one's for Stella and everyone else who loves Bill Nye.

Thought this one was pretty cute too.
Anyways, I hope that after posting this I will actually begin to be social and go get some dinner. Maybe even review some Geology. Fun Times!
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