Monday, June 20, 2011

Renouncing Girly Ties.

I'm sick of girly things.

I’ve always loved and was slightly jealous of girls who have enough self esteem to wear bright pinks and lacey crap. Also, taking time to do makeup? Or taking time to actually match clothes? Shoes with heels? Girls are just amazing.

I started being more girly after I chopped off all my hair and started to be mistaken for a boy. It never really did feel right, as explained below in my not-really-a-graph-but-this-website-wont-let-me-import-my-fancy-pants-graph-so-this-will-have-to-do .

Age ---- Girlyness (or lack there of)

5. Thought I was a boy

10. Accepting I was a girl, but perfectly capable of beating any boy (or girl) in the mile

15. Told I was pretty, but "probably didn’t realize it” and should, therefore, wear clothes that hadn't, at one point in time, belonged to Eric.

17. Decided it was time to add femininity to my appearance to counteract the short hair

19. Whatever.

I’m just finished with a girly façade. To me, it seems like just too much effort, plus I can’t wear heels without being super paranoid that I’m going to break my ankles and therefore not be able to run. Also, my hair is a longer (yet still ‘lesbian length’), so at least people are clear on my gender.

What this means:
A. No more creepy dolls in my room.

B. I will probably be taken for a lesbian more often/will continue to date closet gays.

C. Everyone else I hang out with will babeify x 9264, making me a necessary accessory for improv nights.

D. I can fill science major stereotypes

Not a long list, seeing as I was only attracted to the idea of girlyness for about a year and wasn't nearly as girly as I could have been.

Other boring news updates:

1. Something got hold of Pippin and now he’s got a nasty scratch running from his eye to his nose.
2. They finished re-doing a sidewalk on my normal running route. I no longer need to run around a group of construction workers. And, the new sidewalk is pretty grand.
3. Finished reading The Lovely Bones. Working in a store that sells dollhouses, I must say that Sebold made an excellent choice of a creepy hobby for her killer.
4. Also finished Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, which may or may not have something to do with my new-found dislike for girly things.

Okay, so I wrote that last week, than was like, ‘nahh im not going to post this for more than a two minute window’ in which Christine somehow found it. And it’s a good thing I didn’t, cause there’s something I want to add.

After I wrote this, I painted my toe nails.

So, I guess I lied?
But if anyone wants a few pairs of heels, let me know.

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