I dressed up for the show, cause last year everyone dressed up and Andrew was Dobby and I was Winky, and it was so much fun!! But this time i was lacking on costume supplies and money, so i got another pillowcase and just went as Dobby. And, strangely, in Fredericksburg no one dresses up. But everyone loved my costume and lots of people asked if they could take a picture with me. Including this conversation... a dialogue that wouldn't be appropriate anywhere else.
"Hey, do you mind if i get a picture with you?"
"No, of course not, sir. Dobby does whatever master pleases, sir."
"Sweet. Can you be dead?"
"... certainly, sir."
*lays on ground and sticks out tongue attractively*
Yes, it was grand. And i was very in character, in case the dialogue didn't give that away. i got a lot of stares as we were leaving campus. But, no sir, Dobby didn't mind, anything for Mr. Potter, sir!
Anyway, the movie was great. I cried. I laughed. I grabbed onto Stella's arm in fear of being eaten by Nagini.
Oh, and just to clarify, i wasn't the only one in costume. I made my roommate, Erin, dress up. She's on crutches, so we put feathers on her and made her Hedwig. It was cute. Except she died in the first 20 minutes of the movie. I didn't die till the end. And i got a proper funeral. Hah.
Today, i realized how happy i am that i finally have friends that i can talk to and really, truly, enjoy being around, something i never had in high school except when i was around a few select individuals.
At lunch today, Stella was eating Barbecue Wings, and they were hurting her chapped lips, so she goes, "It burns us!", completely unaware that Lord Of the Rings has so taken over our lives and affected our dialogue. Brilliant.
So, my dearest friend Conrad sent me a text asking me how I knew a kid named David. I was like, i dont know..? cause I kind of thought he was telling a knock-knock joke (cause THATS normal) or maybe he sent a text to the wrong person or something.. But then I got this message...
"You are in his profile picture as dobby laying on the ground, hehee... Small World"

So there you go. Note Stella's face. laughing at me. As usual.
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