Next week starts Finals. I'm feeling pretty drained right now, so I'm not sure how well I'll do on my tests. I spent a good twelve hours on an essay, which I have just finished for my Ethics in Literature class. Which is fine, because its probably one of my favorite classes and I LOVE to edit papers and tear them apart with black ink and make all sorts of incoherent and non legible markings.
My other favorite class which I'm going to hate to see go is Historic Preservation. We're looking at architecture. It is so fabulous to look at a style house and go, "oh yes, that is a Bungalow. Oh, now, I'm not a genius. I just know my dollhouses."
Anyway, not much else to say. Met some kids. Watched some movies. Like Harry Potter. And, yes, I do realize that I have mentioned Harry Potter WAY too much, so to balance out my nerdy-ness, here's a picture of my favorite poke'mon. Because, apparently, December is change your profile picture to a poke'mon month (holidays? nah, December is all about the Pokemon!!) but since I like my current picture too much, even with though I'm featuring the Ringo Starr hairdo, I shall just put the picture here.

Since I live in the oldest dorm on campus that hasn't been renovated in about forty years, we have these really old ghetto heaters under the windows. There are heat controls, but there doesn't seem to be any difference in 5 and 3, so our room is always really hot, unless we open the windows, in which case it is really noisy cause people think its a great idea to stand around and talk really loudly and laugh obnoxiously and drive me insane at bizarre hours, like 2 a.m. Lesson to be learned: Deal with it. Walk around in nothing but your underwear. It works for me.
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