Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weekly Nerd Update

“Erin, can I ask you a question?”
“In the two towers, does Gandalf say, “look to my coming, at dawn, on the third day”? or is it the forth day?”
This may be a slightly normal question, or at least normal for our room, at any time during the day. But this was at 11 pm last night. And both of us were lying in bed. With the lights out. Trying to sleep.
Weird, say you? Not if you consider the fact that before I fall asleep I normally try to spell out ridiculously hard words, like psycholinguistics. Last night I was merely.. testing my LOTR knowledge.
So, after debating last night for about ten minutes, we came to the conclusion that he actually said “At dawn on the fifth day…”
So, this morning, after a restless night of wondering and insecurity of my Dorkage, we got out the Two Towers, and yes, he does say fifth day.
Phew. Nerdyness restored.
But that wasn’t enough. So now I’m watching the second disk (yes, the second disk of the Two Towers, meaning I have the extended edition within my grasp), and I came upon my favorite scene.

This scene is the best. For many reasons. Which, for your convenience, I have listed in order of appearance (not Epic-ness, or else we would all know what comes first).

1. Gimli is so cute

2. Legolas is so intense with his stance and little glare.

3. Théoden is so awesome. If he were real, I would love to have him for my uncle. Once Sauroman gets out of him, that is. I love to watch the transition between possessed to normal Théoden. I love it how his hair goes back into his skull. Like, that defies all logic. But apparently, grey, messy hair can do whatever it wants.

4. Eowyn is all like, “I can fight!” cause she’s an epic woman of epic proportions and everyone needs to be more like her.

5. Then Aragorn is all like, look at me do my dramatic turn and be all lovedy-dovedy even though I’m betrothed to an Elvin Princess.

6. Then Legolas is like,” im gonna shoot some Wargs and DO AN EPIC JUMP which defies gravity onto the back of a horse!”
*A Note: The jump is from the back of the horse to the ground, then it was rewound to look legit, but there’s not much you can do when your cape feels like obeying basic laws of physics*
* if this jump was possible, I would probably dedicate my life to mastering it.*

7. “Bring your pretty face to my axe”--- Dear Gimli… will you marry me? I’ll grow a beard and everything. I like how he purposely falls off the horse and does a Link roll.

8. At 2:26, the Warg is SO CUTE. SO CUTE SO CUTE SO CUTE. I want a Warg SO BAD. I mean, its just an oversized kitty-boar-bear-yak-pug mix. And he’s so cuddly looking… I mean, you could ride it, you could sleep with it and it would keep you warm, it would protect you with its gnarly teeth… can you picture a baby Warg? SO CUTE.
I’ve always thought that Wargs look a bit like the Alot from Hyperbole and a Half, a favorite blog of mine.

9. And then Aragorn falls off the cliff. But at least the Ork saved the star from Arwen.

10. Finally, Théoden tells them to leave, so Legolas is like, I'M GONNA LAZER BEAM YOU WITH MY EYES.

Alright, so now I'm going to *hypothetically* stop being so dorky and actually do some work.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, great beginning to the post. I don't know how you got down to a few scenes of LOTR because there are so many great ones. I bet you could do one a week and it would still take years to go through each clip and give it the attention it so deserves. Eowyn is pretty darn tough and Gimli's and Legolas' relationship is great throughout the series. I have to say that for some reason everytime I see Eowyn's name I feel like singing the Bingo song about the dog named bingo. I don't know why.
    The link about Alot is funny, unfortunately I could not fully appreciate it because I suck at grammar and don't experience that frustrating feeling over texting. Though, I often get confused by texts. Having any kind of different animal or one that is seen in movies would be awesome. In the movie the black cauldron there is this odd hairy creature that loves apples. His name is Gurgi and he is so cute. Even his name is great. He reminds me of a happy and furry Gollum/Smeagal.
    Let's not ever stop being dorky, things would get too mundane and crazy.
