By that I mean I drink too much coffee. And tea. And water.
Like, if I were on a liquid diet, I probably wouldn’t even notice any difference.
I mean, what can I say? I just feel like liquids are a far superior form of obtaining nutrients than consuming solids.
This wasn’t as big of a deal back in the day before I came to college. I think that coming to college has made me appreciate simplicity in everything that I can get away with simplifying, so being able to get my meals by using a straw to suck up liquid while still laying down and reading is basically the greatest thing ever.
Straws are so cool. They always make me think of the swimming lessons I had when I was little, where we were learning to control our breathing to keep from inhaling buckets (or pails) of water. That’s pretty much the only thing I remember from those classes; Just chillin’ on the stairs, sittin’ in the water, breathing through a straw.
Anyway, straws need to be making a comeback, because people think I’m strange for keeping a stash of straws in my drawers and hording them from restaurants and dining halls.
Another weird thing ive started doing since I came to college is repeating the last few words anyone says. Like, I’m a radio announcer whos like, “sale starts FRIDAY-Friday-Friday-Friday!!” except its not even interesting or necessary information. Its just random words.
And I didn’t even realize I did it until I was with Eric and he was like, “I’m going to get the roadrunner sandwich” and I was like, “ROADRUNNER!!!!!!!!”. Like, just repeating stuff. Like I’m a parrot. Kinda just cracks me up.
Man, I cannot spell today. I had to try three times to spell “cracks”. Like, I tried throwing an ‘e’ in there, some excessive ‘k’s and ‘c’s.
Oh, so my phone decided to randomly be evil and not work. Like, the outside keypad has been selectively broken by not being able to use the “ok” key, which is like having a hand but no thumbs. Like, you NEED the thumb, or else you might as well just use your mouth to open doors and stuff. Anyway, no OK button, so I cant use the front, but that was okay cause its one of those fancy pants flip-keyboard ones that aren’t so fancy pants anymore but it was fancy pants when I got it two years ago.
Well, yesterday my phone was like, “HAHA, IM GOING TO BE BLACK ON THE INSIDE, BUT GIVE YOU SECOND VIEWS OF YOUR REAL SCREEN SO YOU KNOW THAT YOU WORK, BUT THE I’M JUST BEING DIFFICULT MYAHAHAAA.” And then I’m all like, geez phone, you big jerk, I want to be able to make calls, and it’s all like, NEVER!
So, the take away message is that I can’t text/make calls, but I CAN receive calls. Oh, and I can get texts, but can only read the first two words before the screen decides to go black and be evil again.
So, basically, if you want to get in touch with me you either call me or send me a telepathic message. No promises I’ll get either, because my phone is obviously possessed, and my telepathy broadband is currently being used to stalk Adrien Brody.

Just kidding, he’s a bit old for me... and apparently part cat?!? AWESOME.
*My photoshop/paint skillz are amazing, I know. You can hire me for weddings and stuff. I can put little kitty ears on all your guests and everything. Yes, this should reach Mason ASAP in case he's interested*
Oh, for those who care about my half marathon, I ran it in 2 hours, 5 minutes and 9 seconds! It was super awesome! A special thanks to Eric for being amazing and driving and cheering and just being awesome in general, another thanks to Stella and her family for letting us stay and attack the chicks (SO CUTE), and, last but not least, to Christine for suggesting it and running with me. BEST RUN EVER. And it’s all because of you guys.
*disclaimer: I was kidding.
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