So, today is the last day of classes of the semester.
Then all I have to do is some finals. Yay!
Just some images of the dorm before we leave.
This is the only plant I managed to keep alive. His name is Snuggles. I think he looks kinda like a Pokemon with his little arms sticking out like that. My friend Christian helped me pick him out: It was between him and a flowering plant that I probably would have killed within a week. I guess I just didn't inherit my Mother's green thumb... In fact, I think I almost drowned poor Snuggles once.
On his pot is a fortune cookie that says "Be generous, and the favor will be returned to you within the week". I now know that it doesn't mean to be generous with water...
Our other plants included Meditate, who had an operation by yours truly because Medi pulled a gun on Tate and demanded that the pot wasn't big enough for the two of them. Needless to say, Medi died. Tate's whereabouts are still not known, but he's probably with the A team.
Then we got Oprah Cheese, so-named for reasons I can't even begin to express, who is still growing and whose hair grows faster than Harry Potters.
I bought these bookends for myself for my birthday. Aren't they awesome? They're SO HEAVY, so I may have difficulties setting them up in my room at home. Theyre holding up my new collection of Lord Of the Rings that I got downtown.
So, basically, these are some images of the room where I spent the past nine months. It's my new home, but I've started to take things home. I took these pictures a month ago with my friends camera. Note to self: get a camera.
These are some Kimmi dolls I got from work. Aniene gave me one of them, and I got one that is similar for Erin.
So, I have two take home exams. Both of my English classes, British Romantic Literature and my English Theory class has a take home exam, which means that I have to write essays which could for about 25% of my grade. I'm a bit nervous. And I've been working on my BRL essays for three weeks and am still freaking out.
Otherwise, I have my Geology exam on Monday at noon, a Linguistics exam Tuesday night, and my Math exam on Friday at 8:30. I'm expecting Geology to be a piece of cake, but I'm going to study like crazy (once I have a chance) because I have an 87% in the class and I really want an 'A'.
I have an 83% in my Math class! I'm so happy, although I can make it up to a 87% if I get an 'A' on my final (might happen, who knows).
So, that just leaves Linguistics. Linguistics is kind of an oddball, that is, I have a 93% in the class, but there are so few grades for this class that if I bomb this exam, I may bring my grade dramatically low. Not that I'm planning to bomb this exam, obviously, but there is just SO MUCH CONTENT that I may not be able to keep my grade high.
Anyway, here are some more pictures.
There's Paco, the teddy bear made of alpaca fur my Mom got me for Pittsburgh in attempt to sooth the nasty side affects of my separation from Pippin.
He's in our new-ish reading corner, where we have big fluffy pillows and my snuggie. And books (duh).
Here's our window. We fly like paper get high like planes. Just kidding- we prefer to spend our time making cranes. Over 100 of them, actually. And then we strung them up over our window for a make-shift curtain.
As Eric says, "That's some Martha Stewart sh*t". But we all know that if Martha Stewart did it, they would be smothered in glitter and organized by paper color and beak size.
And my desk + bed combo.
I've always wanted a loft bed, partially because my room at home is the size of a closet and partially because Christine had one, and I always wanted what Christine had.
Anyway, it's like a dream come true.
Fact: I spend an unnatural amount of time sleeping for a college student. I have yet to pull an all-nighter, or even stay up past 2 a.m. And on average, I get 9 hours of sleep a night. You might ask me how I do it, but then I'll just stare at you like you sprouted a lamp from your head and wonder how you could possibly get through the day without sleep.
Note the Beatles poster: It was a Christmas present from Will when I was a sophomore, and although it may be creepy having four giant faces staring at you when you sleep, I kind of like to think that they are making sure Erin doesn't sneak into my bed and draw on my face with Sharpie.
So, yup. Next year, I'll be living in Custis, just (next to) Ball. That's all.
As if four giant creepy faces staring "outer" could ever deter me from drawing on you with a sharpie, muhahaha;)