Thursday, August 16, 2012

First Chance I've had for an update!

I've been kept SUPER BUSY since I got back at UMW. Yesterday, I had less than an hour to myself (which I spent running and talking to friends). The rest of the time, I have been in training sessions and group meetings. My room is still a mess with furniture everywhere, but I have a layout in mind- I just need the work order people to come and loft my bed (which I would have done myself, but they hid the pins to keep kids from crushing themselves with trying to fix their own beds). One of my beds got lowered though, which means I don't have to jump to get into bed.

My window is all decked out. My curtains/pendants look really nice and out of place along everything else that has been thrown around. Also, my pull-up bar doesn't fit on any door in my room, which really stinks. But everyone thinks I'm super hard core cause its propped up in the corner.

My group for the dorms I'm in charge of, which I will be referring to as Tri-Mo, is fantastic. I think I got the nicest, most friendly people for my group, and I'm so pleased to already be making good friends. I went for my first round of duty last night (even through there are only a handful of students back on campus), and it was pretty uneventful. Hopefully it will stay that way all year.

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