School has been going on for three weeks, and I've been here for five because of my job as an RA, so I have pretty much established my room. I wanted to post pictures sooner, but I have been SUPER busy with class, my job, my new internship, training for a marathon, ecology club, and of course, my friends.
This is my Resident Assistant map that I made- it's right outside of my door, so residents know where I am, and if I'm available to help them. Basically, it's my proudest achievement ever in life. I thought I was particularly clever for making Mordor class and Mikwood sleeping. |
Julie-Frodo gets moved around on a little clothespin, and stuck into the pockets around the map. |
here's a view of 1/2 my room. I made my curtains/window pendents over the summer, which makes my room super preppy looking, but it makes me happy. Also, my friend Phil gave me his lamp, which is super *mood lighting* at night. I my bookcase is filled with Dickens books, as I'm reading Oliver Twist, David Copperfield (which I'm on now), Our Mutual Friend, Bleak House, Hard Times, and Great Expectations. I also have a photo of this Mike, which my friend Elizabeth gave me for Christmas my freshman year of high school. It just cracks me up every time I see it... Also, CAT BOOKENDS which I bought myself my freshman year for my birthday. |
My "couch", aka where I read. I hung some pictures of Pippin. Ideally, I'll hang some more art here, as it looks kind of silly with just the two little pictures. |
On top is my sleeping bed, and below is a desk that more or less just has equipment and stuff on it. I'm not too happy with how this area is laid out, but I don't really know how to change it. Also, notice the Sefan picture on the right. |
My shamrock, which is doing really well in its sunny window. The first few weeks I was here, it bloomed constantly. Now it only has four blooms. |
This is where I do most of my work. That huge red book is my Shakespeare collection. People think I'm super hard-core when I carry it around campus. I tell them I have to read all of it by Monday, and then they think I'm a genius.
The End! Maybe I'll post again in the next two months.... maybe.
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