Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day Two, And I Almost Forgot

I almost forgot to write today. I see a massive failure in my future.
Today was mostly spent watch Downton Abbey with Christine and Erin. I'm kind of in love with that show.
Speaking of shows, I haven't seen the few most recent Desperate Housewives, which shocks me. I think its my way of dealing with the denial that the show is ending at the end of this season. Its comforting to think that they'll be a few episodes left for when the season is over. I think I'll finish watching that show Spring break or maybe even wait till summer (unlikely).
Last night was good fun. Erin and I had some friends over to make Valentines. We watching Notting Hill, which also has Hugh Bonneville in it, he's the lord in Downton Abbey, CAN'T ESCAPE IT. I made quite a few, used a lot of buttons, and am really rather pleased with the whole thing.
I'm actually looking forward to Valentines day this year!

History of Valentines Day:
Freshman Year- Conrad asked me to be his Valentine over facebook, but I didn't see it till the next week (fail).
Sophmore Year- I actually broke up with Conrad the day before Valentines day. Then we got back together the day after, or something. Epic timing, I know.
Junior Year- My good friend Bennett took pity on me and made me a chocolate pie, which was DELICIOUS. So I suppose that Valentine's day wasn't so bad, but...
Senior year- I'm finally in a relationship for Valentines day, but of course I GET MONO. ULTIMATE FAIL.
Last year- Another good Valentines. Just kind of hung out with my friends, eating chocolate...
This years plans- Well, since i have an amazing boyfriend, we are planning on going to Bistro Bethem, a restaurant in downtown Fredericksburg that I have never been to! I'm so excited. (Only, we're not doing that on Valentines day because we are but humble college students who can't afford their Valentines special... we're probs going next week or Thursday night).
I also now have fancy, homemade Valentines to give all my friends!! YAY FOR FEBRUARY 14TH.

Until then, I have a lot of work to do. Tonight, I'm planning on finishing this FASCINATING chapter on Soil Waters characteristics and Behavior. Yeppi. (that was all sarcasm. i feel like one of these days, people will figure I'm so nerdy that I actually enjoy reading about water gradients and water vapor distribution or something).

Also noteworthy, today we had an EPIC WHITEOUT of snow, which I was caught outside for. It wasn't like nice, gentle, friendly snowing. This was like being attacked-with-a-frigid-vengeance snow. It was actually painful.
Also, yesterday some idiot college kid decided to drive way to fast down this tiny strip by the Eagle Village and flipped his car over the median. Of course, he's fine, or else I wouldn't have referred to him as "some idiot college kid" (I have respect for the dead, guys). But still- Why would you EVER think that speeding down a tiny driveway is a good idea? This is Fredericksburg. There is no where to go, especially not in a hurry.

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