Wednesday, February 29, 2012

RIP Miley Cyrus Jeans

My favorite pants just got a hole in the knee!!!!!!!!!! Guess I have to go to class naked now...

Speaking of being naked (never a good way to start a thought..).. i actually have nothing more to say about being naked, I just wanted to say that.

NEW ANDREW BIRD!!! Here's the link to listen: CLICKY-CLICKY

I'm listening to it right now- so far, Lusitania is my favorite off this album. It's one of his less intense albums, that isn't nearly enough whistling or violin solos, but all-in-all, I have to say I still really enjoy listening to him. I'm still in love with Noble Beast, it's perfect morning music.

In other fun news, Spring Break is in two days! I can't wait to get out of here and get into the garden.

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