So, Valentine's day was wonderful. I made the best tasting fish ever (lemon, salt and pepper- but it was really, really good. Probably cause all I've eaten recently has been dining hall foods), asparagus, and steamed potatoes. It was SO GOOD. Mike gave me the most adorable handmade card, and we finally took some pictures together (they're pretty goofy..).
Then, Mike and I watched some Downton Abby, and Erin and I finished the first season minutes ago. That show is so good- I love the character development, although not all of them really seem human. One of the reasons I loved Desperate Housewives so much was because the characters all had backgrounds that influenced their way of thought and their actions. I feel like I could better relate to them because of it, whereas Downton, with its fifty member cast, doesn't really give background or reason for the actions of the characters. Nonetheless, I really suggest that show.
Nothing particularly exciting happened in class. I took a test yesterday for one of my English courses. I think I got a high grade, maybe a B or an A, we shall see. I got back my soil science test- I got one of the highest grades in the class (which really isn't saying much). He ended up giving us a 15% curve (!!!!SO BAD!!!!), and I still only got a C+. Still, upper level Science course with notorious teacher- I expected a D, at best, so I am happy. Still haven't gotten my Linguistics test back, but I'll be pleased if she misplaced them or something (which actually wouldn't be surprising...).
I can't wait to go home to Vienna tomorrow. I went on a walk yesterday, the objective to see cats, and I didn't see any! Go figure. It will be nice to hang out with Pippin again. And, of course, the rest on the family.
I've noticed the time stamps are off on my blog posts- I didn't actually post yesterday at 6:00 am, if you were wondering.
the cast members aren't human. They are aliens attempting to learn human relationships. They broadcast this show from space to see the reactions of humans in the quest to dominate our time (and minds I guess).